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Vocal Singing the National Anthem and Election Jingle at the Beginning…

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작성자 Irma
댓글 0건 조회 21회 작성일 23-12-30 02:48


The General Election Compensation of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI) is established to hold the initial argument of the 2024 Presidential Political Election on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 7:00 PM neighborhood time. Concerning security preparations for the evening, the Central Jakarta Metro Authorities Principal, Commissioner General Susatyo Purnomo, specified that a total of 2,120 joint army and authorities employees will get on standby.
" Central Jakarta Metro Authorities, along with the City Jakarta Regional Police, Jakarta Armed Force Command, and the Jakarta Provincial Federal government, will deploy a total amount of 2,120 workers. We will provide security, beginning with Resort Indonesia Roundabout to the Imam Bonjol Road and Taman Suropati," claimed Commissioner General Susatyo Purnomo Condro at the KPU RI office in Central Jakarta on Tuesday (12/12/2023).
Susatyo explained that the joint safety forces would certainly map out the locations around the KPU RI workplace. He noted that rings 2 and 3 would encompass the KPU RI workplace location, consisting of Hotel Indonesia Roundabout as much as Taman Suropati. Ring 1 is the location where the governmental and vice-presidential prospects will be stationed.
" Ring 1 will be protected by the cops from the National Police Headquarters," he added.
He believed that with the readiness of countless personnel today, the very first debate amongst the 2024 governmental prospects would certainly continue efficiently.
" Insha'Allah (God eager), the tasks tonite, with the harmony of all safety pressures, will run securely and smoothly," Susatyo stressed.
Starting at 7:00 PM
The first presidential dispute is scheduled to occur tonight at 7:00 PM neighborhood time at the KPU RI workplace on Imam Bonjol Street, Jakarta.
The discussion will certainly last for 150 minutes, divided into an overall of six sections. In the initial sector, each candidate, specifically Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo, will certainly present their thorough vision and goals.
In the second to 5th sectors, each candidate will answer inquiries arbitrarily chosen from those prepared by 11 panelists. During these segments, candidates are enabled to connect and react to each various other's answers.
The final sector, the sixth, is the closing statement. In this sector, the prospects will certainly be welcomed to make a closing declaration on today's argument motif: Law, Civil Rights, Administration, Anti-Corruption, and Reinforcing Democracy.

The initial argument of the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates, held by the General Election Compensation (KPU) at the KPU office on Imam Bonjol Street, Central Jakarta, started at 7:00 PM WIB on Monday, December 12, 2023. The General Political Election Commission of Indonesia (KPU) collaborated with the band Cokelat to launch the 2024 Election jingle labelled "Choosing for Indonesia."

The public is startled by a hacking incident targeting the Indonesian General Election Compensation (KPU). Political expert Adi Prayitno from the State Islamic College (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah mentioned that the alleged hacking and data leak by hacker Jimbo should not be taken lightly by the KPU. He emphasized that the KPU needs to take prompt steps to resolve this vulnerability, especially amidst issues of political election fraudulence in the 2024 political elections. Lawbreaker Law expert Abdul Fickar Hadjar from Trisakti University directed out that the hacking of the KPU's cybersecurity system presents a severe hazard to the upcoming 2024 elections.

The general public is distressed by a hacking incident targeting the Indonesian General Political Election Compensation (KPU). This moment, a confidential hacker named Jimbo declared to have actually breached the KPU's cybersecurity system and effectively taken data from hundreds of countless long-term citizen checklists (DPT) from the internet site. The hacked citizen information is also being sold on the dark web, with Jimbo requesting $74,000 or about IDR 1.2 billion for the swiped data.
This breach, which is not the first one experienced by the KPU, has actually increased issues amongst different events, particularly considering that it took place throughout the continuous preparations for the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). Past the sale of individual information, many are stressed that this hacking incident can potentially disrupt the results of the 2024 political elections.
Political analyst Adi Prayitno from the State Islamic College (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah mentioned that the supposed hacking and information leak by cyberpunk Jimbo ought to not be taken gently by the KPU. He highlighted that the KPU requires to take immediate actions to address this vulnerability, specifically in the middle of concerns of election fraudulence in the 2024 political elections. Prayitno stressed that the KPU's main duty is to guarantee the safety and security of their web site from any type of hacking threats.
Bad guy Law expert Abdul Fickar Hadjar from Trisakti College aimed out that the hacking of the KPU's cybersecurity system positions a major risk to the upcoming 2024 political elections. He described that data leakages can potentially be utilized to control election outcomes, depending upon the passions of those included. Fickar kept in mind that despite the presence of rigorous penalties for hackers in Indonesia's Electronic Info and Deals Regulation (UU ITE), enforcement may not constantly prevent cybercriminals.
Wakil Ketua Tim Pemenangan Nasional (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud, Andika Perkasa, reacted to the information violation occurrence by urging the KPU to ensure the safety and security of the 2024 Presidential Political election results. He emphasized the demand for transparency and comprehensive explanations from the KPU regarding their safety determines to stop any type of disturbance through hacking.
Andika further shared problem that unauthorized individuals might try to disrupt the 2024 Presidential Election using the stolen citizen data. He prompted the KPU to assure the public and governmental prospects that the political election results would be in accordance with the regulations and without disturbance.
In action to the violation, Tim CISSReC (Center for International Security Researches and Research - Cyber Research study Facility) performed an analysis of the leaked information. According to Pratama Persadha, a cybersecurity expert, Jimbo's activities gave access to substantial personal info, including NIK (National Identification Number), KK (Family Members Card Number), passport numbers for abroad voters, complete names, gender, date and area of birth, marital standing, complete addresses, and a lot more.
Tim CISSReC had likewise formerly alerted the KPU concerning vulnerabilities in their system. When you beloved this information and also you wish to obtain more information with regards to cek pemilu -, i implore you to go to our web-site. The hacker, Jimbo, asserted that he had actually accessed the KPU's system via approaches like phishing, social engineering, or malware.
The KPU has launched an examination into the affirmed information breach and is functioning alongside the Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN - State Cyber and Cryptographic Firm), the Directorate of Cybercrime of the Indonesian National Authorities (Bareskrim Polri), the State Knowledge Agency (BIN), and the Ministry of Communication and Infotech (Kemkominfo). They intend to verify the precision of the reported hacking case.
Hasyim Asy'ari, the Chairman of the KPU, confirmed that while the examination is recurring, citizens can still access the 2024 Election Voter Listing (DPT) at utilizing their respective National Identification Numbers (NIKs).
Furthermore, Pratama emphasized that the KPU must carry out audits and forensic evaluations of their safety systems and servers to identify the precise point of strike used by cyberpunks. He likewise advised changing usernames and passwords for all accounts with access to the KPU system to stop any additional unauthorized access.
In light of this violation, the duty exists with the KPU to make sure the safety of citizen information and the stability of the 2024 elections. The case has actually increased significant problems about the defense of delicate voter information and the potential effect on the selecting process.


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