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How to Burn TiVo Shows and Movies to DVD_

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작성자 Adrianna
댓글 0건 조회 49회 작성일 24-02-07 06:58


TiVo is a brand and model of digital video recorder which works just like any other digital recorder. What distinguishes TiVo from other DVRs is the sophisticated software written by TiVo Inc. that automatically records programs—not only those the user specifically requests, but also other material the user is likely to be interested in. It also allows the viewer to pause live television, and rewind and replay up to a half hour of recently viewed television. It has the capability to transfer the recordings to your computer by using the TiVo Desktop Software.
An issue with the files is that they are not always compatible with other multi-media programs you may want to view TiVo files. As a result, it is required to convert the TiVo files to MPEG format for viewing on most computers. Well, lots of users would then edit out the commercials with software and copy TiVo shows to a DVD disc. Well, how to convert and burn TiVo to DVD seems to be a problem since most DVD burner software will not recognize .TiVo file. This tutorial shows you the detailed guide on how to transfer, convert and burn TiVo shows to DVD disc. Basically, there are 3 steps to go.
How to burn/transfer TiVo shows and movies files to DVD?
Step 1 Transfer TiVo shows to PC
To burn TiVo shows and movies to DVD with DVD burning software, the first step to go is to transfer recorded TV shows and movies files from TiVo to your PC. Before you begin, make sure that you have TiVo Desktop software installed on your PC (Not yet installed, download it now.)
1. Launch TiVo Desktop.
2. Click "Pick Recordings to Transfer." A window showing your TiVo DVR's "Now Playing List" appears.
3. Highlight any title in the list to see more information about the show—the same show information you have on your TiVo DVR.
4. Check the box next to the title of the show (or shows) you want to transfer.
5. Click "Start Transfer."

Step 2 Convert TiVo to MPEG
Well, most DVD burner software doesn't support .TiVo file, what we do is to convert TiVo to MPEG format which is recognizable by DVD burner software. DirectShow Dump is a free utility to extract the content of .TiVo file as unprotected MPEG.
1. Launch Downloaded DirectShow Dump.
2. Click "Add Files" and load the TiVo files you'd like to convert.
Tips: If you cannot convert TiVo to MPEG successfully, please download the Microsoft .NET 1.1 architecture, which the conversion of TIVO to MPEG may depend on.
Step 3 Burn MPEG to DVD
To burn TiVo to DVD, you need DVD authoring software which supports the converted MPEG files. Wondershare Video to DVD Burner supports alexandra daddario all movies and tv shows kinds of popular video formats and HD videos. Give it a try.
1. Download and install Wondershare Video to DVD Burner
Download and install Wondershare Video to DVD Burner which performs as useful movies to DVD burner. Once you've downloaded the program, double click it and follow the set up wizard to install it. Meanwhile, insert a blank, recordable DVD disc into your computer's DVD burner drive.
2. Load converted TiVo shows and movies
Launch Video to DVD Burner that was just installed. Click the option that reads "Load Video". Locate the movies where you put and import movies. Once successfully imported, there will be thumbnails displayed on the left interface. The right interface allows you to view the loaded video file. Drag and drop loaded video files to storyboard below to organize slideshow.
3.Edit movies (Optional)
The plug-in video editor lets you edit movies quickly and easily. Select a video file in storyboard and click on Edit selected video file button to crop, trim, add watermark, plug in subtitles or adjust video effects. Also, you may want to set some transition effects to your slideshow. Simply click on Transition tab and there will be more than 60 transition effects displayed on the left interface. Simply drag and drop the selected transition effect to the between of two videos in the storyboard to apply it.
4.Burn TiVo to DVD
Once you've imported TiVo movies and done the necessary editing, here comes the burning. Click on Burn tab, there will be a window asking you to select aspect ratio, TV standard, etc. And select the output options as DVD disc. Once everything ready, click on Start button to convert movies to DVD. It will take one or two hours depending on your TiVo movies.
Tips: Edit movies is optional, highly recommended to cut out commercial ads of your TiVo shows and movies. this guide also helps when you burn Hulu movie to DVD, LimeWire movies to DVD, torrent movie to DVD .


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