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How can i stop XVids from Automatically Shutting down Video Players af…

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작성자 Kina
댓글 0건 조회 44회 작성일 24-03-02 07:14


How can I cease XVids from robotically shutting down video players after i open them. July 25, 2004 8:03 AM Subscribe

Some XVids robotically shut down the video participant once i open them (it doesn't matter what it's - Bsplayer, Win Media Player), but not all of them. I tried uninstalling all codecs and only reinstalling Xvid, however it didn't work. What ought to I do?

For instance, this film does that [1.5 MB, avi] posted by Masi to Computers & Internet (7 solutions total)

Use VLC?posted by ascullion at 8:Thirteen AM on July 25, 2004

It really works effective for me in WMP 9, additionally works fantastic in Media Player Classic.posted by riffola at 8:44 AM on July 25, 2004

Masi, I feel your pain-- I used to get a crash from solely certain Xvid-encoded avis, however not all of them. I have been using the K-Lite bundled Media Player Classic., and I haven't but had an issue with it.

My Gameshark Media Player also has that trouble. Does anyone else discover that it generally hangs when viewing Xvids? My resolution right now's to re-encode to Divx utilizing Virtual Dub, and I'd like a solution that isn't a brilliant-huge PITA.posted by Mayor Curley at 9:15 AM on July 25, 2004

My clients laptop computer did that too. Reinstall your video card drivers, reinstall Direct X 9.0b. (Yeah, your card may not want it but certain commands from your video player use it)posted by Keyser Soze at 12:38 PM on July 25, 2004

Also download ffdshow-20040718.exe . ffdshow: video decoder that supports Xvid, Divx, etc. but is far more efficient. No lack of high quality, and performs back smoother than any standard codec.posted by Keyser Soze at 12:Forty PM on July 25, 2004

Yet another factor: Reinstall kazaa lite codec pack first, and at the bottom declick "disable ffdshow filter", then install the ffdshow filter.posted by Keyser Soze at 1:12 PM on July 25, 2004

ffdshow was also my suggestion, though I might have prompt one of the older builds first (like the one on sourcefourge). The newer ones have been consuming extra CPU for me.posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 4:39 PM on July 25, 2004

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