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You Recognize, the one where She Eats Glass?

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작성자 Eden Wisniewski
댓글 0건 조회 39회 작성일 24-03-02 08:03


You recognize, the one where she eats glass???

BuzzFeed Staff






I think we are able to all agree that Selena Gomez's new music video for "Fetish" is interesting to say the least.

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In the video, which was released on Tuesday, Selena eats glass, soap, and lipstick. Interesting!

So many questions. Well, in a current interview with Dazed, the singer sat down together with her BFF and collaborator, Petra Collins, and spilled some deets.

On the scene where she eats a bunch of weird issues and goes kinda cray:

The kitchen scene was so liberating, to lose management of my physique and lose sight of myself. I felt great and i felt like tomatoes, eggs and dirt and it was superb, however critically? I like that. It felt so good. I remember being just a little nervous, and when shit hit the wall - I simply lost it and left myself in that scene. It was so cool.

On collaborating with Petra:

I remember the moment I needed you [Petra] to do the visuals for this document. I was on a airplane to New York scrolling via your Instagram because I’ve adopted you for so long and i all the time just love to take a look at your pictures when I’m bored.

I had a espresso and that i said to my supervisor, "Look, I actually need her to do the visuals for ALL MY MUSIC. I love HER! She’s so superb!" As soon as I landed, I sent you "Bad Liar" and "Fetish" and you responded to "Fetish" essentially the most.

On her character behind closed doors:

Um, I’m not saying I’ve ever done one thing just like the kitchen scene in real life, however I can say proper now, I do weird shit all the time when I’m alone in my house.

On the out of doors scene:

Look, I can inform you that neighborhood in the video appears to be like precisely like the one I grew up in. I all the time felt like the place I lived appeared at the surface very innocent but I knew exactly what was occurring behind each of the homes and (understood) that feeling of being remoted. I get it. There’s a cause there isn't a-one else on the road within the video.

On emotions feelings~:

I’m such a cancer, I’m delicate as fuuuuuck. I really feel all the things so intensely, which is one of my favourite things about myself. Feeling is something I love.

And finally, on releasing her interior-Selena:

With the way in which I grew up, I all the time felt like there was one thing inside of me that hadn’t been accessed. I hadn’t had the opportunity or confidence to seek out it. For so lengthy I felt like I (wasn’t in a position) to do one thing like this, not because I don’t wish to however as a result of I lack that confidence.


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