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Architecture of Observation Towers

It seems to be human nature to enjoy a view, getting the higher ground and taking in our surroundings has become a significant aspect of architecture across the world. Observation towers which allow visitors to climb and observe their surroundings, provide a chance to take in the beauty of the land while at the same time adding something unique and impressive to the landscape.

Model Making In Architecture

The importance of model making in architecture could be thought to have reduced in recent years. With the introduction of new and innovative architecture design technology, is there still a place for model making in architecture? Stanton Williams, director at Stirling Prize-winning practice, Gavin Henderson, believes that it’s more important than ever.

Can Skyscrapers Be Sustainable

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Dreaming of Working Remotely whereas Exploring The World?

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작성자 Bambi Luxton
댓글 0건 조회 20회 작성일 24-03-23 20:26


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